Appeal Process Archbishop Chaput Archdiocese of Philadelphia Area Parish Pastoral Planning Process Closed Churches Featured Frankford Philly Catholics PPA Rally Religion St. Joachim Vatican

Our God of Surprises!

From Elizabeth Eiland Figueroa – “May the God of Surprises Delight You”

May the God of Surprises delight you, inviting you to accept gifts not yet imagined.

May the God of Transformation call you, opening you to continual renewal.
May the God of Justice confront you, daring you to see the world through God’s eyes.
May the God of Abundance affirm you, nudging you towards deeper trust.
May the God of Embrace hold you, encircling you in the hearth of God’s home.
May the God of Hopefulness bless you, encouraging you with the fruits of faith.
May the God of Welcoming invite you, drawing you nearer to the fullness of God’s expression in you.
May God Who is Present be with you, awakening you to God in all things, all people, and all moments.
May God be with you.

I needed some time today because I will admit as happy as I was for those parishes that will remain open, my heart was thinking of those of us who have suffered through the PPA process. At the end of June, it will be two years since St. Joachim and Mater Dolorosa closed in Frankford. I don’t know where the time went but I do know the fervor of our efforts has not diminished since then. I hope you like the above prayer and understand that we believe in God’s will and His power to change what we think has been the terrible wrongs over the last 3 years.

How many of us were surprised today reading the Archdiocese Announces Results of Recent Parish Pastoral Planning in Philadelphia as Well as Delaware and Montgomery Counties”? We truly celebrate with our brothers and sisters in the Pastoral Planning Areas of 330 (Delaware County – I have family there with whom I have been praying), 420 and 570 whose parishes have been given more time and support to strengthen needed areas of weakness or to continue already successful ministries.

My church, St. Joachim closed in 2013, but I have always said this issue was much bigger than St. Joachim. We need to understand  that the parishes of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia are not islands. “For as in one body we have many parts, and all the parts do not have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ and individually parts of one another” (Romans 12: 4-5). Since the first church merged/closed in 2012, concerned Catholics have believed and worked to convey that this Parish Pastoral Planning Process is unfair, exclusionary, unequally applied and had preplanned outcomes. What have we achieved in the last 3 years? This – today’s announcement by the Archbishop and the  Archdiocese of Philadelphia. As Job suffered many trials, we, too, can say, “Your own mouth condemns you, not I; your own lips refute you” (Job: 15: 6). Here are further reasons that demand that the PPA process be reviewed and redone:

  • Archbishop Chaput “has…made decisions regarding possible parish mergers in the City of Philadelphia as well as Delaware and Montgomery Counties.” We were told Archbishop Chaput was simply following the recommendations of the Archdiocesan Strategic Planning Committee and the Council of Priests and the College of Consultors.
  • “Parish Area Pastoral Planning is designed to be as collaborative and consultative as possible.” That didn’t happen for many, for us. Pastors told or didn’t tell what was happening; parishioners were included or told it was secret, ultimately, pastors and deans were making the decisions.
  • “In the majority of cases, the regional bishop and the dean meet with the pastors as well as their pastoral and finance councils to hear their concerns and receive their recommendation which are brought before the Archdiocesan Strategic Planning Committee, the Council of Priests and the College of Consultors for their observation and recommendations.”  No one ever came to meet with our pastoral and finance councils, the Bishops that now say Masses at the oldest church in the PPA never said a Mass. No one has heard our concerns yet.
  • “The recommendation from the parishes noted the complexity of various issues, outlined how the parishes could improve their financial conditions, and noted general areas in which the parishes could collaborate by possibly sharing some resources and staff.” Some of the parishes were asked to compile more detailed plans by July 2015 and provide updates by December 2015 of their implementation. There isn’t any parish whose issues aren’t complex or could improve in some areas or share resources – if  they were allowed.
  • “The recommendation from the parishes asserted that all of the parishes in the area are financially and pastorally viable and should remain free standing.” Our pastor asked that we be “free standing”? “No” was the answer. We had $300,000 a year from the rental of our school in cash. We had no debt. Didn’t matter.  We even had an Oblate of St. Francis de Sales pastor who wanted to remain in his position and we would not drain any resources from the Archdiocese. Now, our merged parish of Holy Innocents has 3 priests, 1 permanent deacon, and a Sister pastoral minister, a Sister for pastoral care but we can’t have Masses, prayer services, communion services, are denied public worship even if we do the services ourselves. The good news is you can get married and they will bury you but you’re on your own for anything else. Is it any wonder the people’s hearts are not calling them to contribute since they’ve already given what they and their ancestors built? Is it any wonder, we’re “Roamin’ Catholics” looking for a new home because we were told there is no room for us in the AOP?
  • “The Archdiocesan Strategic Planning Committee is to work on formulating structures that will facilitate a formal collaboration between parishes”. Part of the problem with this PPA process was that it wasn’t positive thinking regarding what we could do to stay open – just close the number of parishes you needed to stave off bankruptcy. Why not try “collaboration between parishes” 3 years ago? I’m sure someone had the idea. I have personally read ideas other parishes had to keep their church open – good and reasonable ideas which were ignored.
  • “The complex and difficult issues in PPA xxx will require further study and discussion before any final decisions are made. It is noted that the special circumstances in this area include a number of personal parishes, some large parish complexes that are difficult to maintain, a declining number of active Catholics in the area, and serious financial difficulties in several of the parishes.” Decisions were made quickly in 2012, 2013 and 2014. Get it done.  St. Joachim and Mater Dolorosa were both closed in 2013. Mater Dolorosa was a personal parish but that didn’t slow down or stop the decision to close both churches so that Frankford no longer has a Catholic Church although we did for 170+ years. We have declining active Catholics – we’re older but we have people who want to evangelize and renewed their faith well before the Pope’s visit. Father Higgins, our dean, has been touted as the priest who must manage 22 properties but that didn’t bother anyone in 2013.
  • “The primary focus will be on ways the parishes can collaborate in sharing pastoral ministry and resources”. This is wonderful! But don’t forget that you have “new” parishes that don’t want to collaborate with their own worship sites!

There has been great dissolution and sadness in our Archdiocese.  Thank you for reading and caring about the future of our faith here in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. God bless you! God bless us all!

We will be taking future action and are planning a walk/drive and rally on May 31st. Please save the date and plan to join us. We need you and you need us! In the meantime, we await more surprises from our God!


Mary, Help Us to Undo Our Knots

An Online Prayer Event Hosted by Keep the Faith in Frankford!    Join Us!
If we want change, we must first change ourselves. Prayer helps us do just that. Please click the link below and check out our May event dedicated to the Blessed Mother and we hope you will participate. You and our world will be the better for it!

Our Prayer Event and Information

Archdiocese of Philadelphia Closed Churches Featured

Our “Indescribable Gift” – 2 Corinthians, Chapter 9

Palm SundayPlease take a moment to read our latest blog post and view our slideshow! Please comment and share this if you like it! God bless you! Happy Holy Week!


“Here I Am, Lord! Is It I, Lord?” That You Want at the Basilica on Sunday, Nov. 30 at 5 PM?

Hello and thank you for visiting!

adventflyer4Sunday, Nov. 30, is the First Sunday of Advent. To commemorate the new Church year and the upcoming World Meeting of Families in 2015, there will be a Holy Hour for the Family and Mass said by His Excellency, Archbishop Chaput.

We are inviting you to come at 5:00 PM, wearing your parish colors, to show the Archbishop and our fellow brothers and sisters that we care about what is happening within the Archdiocese. Over forty churches have closed in the last 13 months, many of them in the city serving the poor, the elderly, the disabled and troubled. Yes, these are the people who don’t use envelopes, who didn’t know that you have to come to church in October to be counted in the annual census but who come to the church when they are in need of help. There are no “office hours” for those in need.

The plan is to sell your real estate and nursing homes (whose residents are mostly the elderly who built these churches and funded the Archdiocese faithfully) to balance the bottom line. Forget that pastoral care and love of those whom many consider unlovable is why our Church was founded!

Use a PPA process which again and again we hear did not involve the parishioners and was “pre-ordained” as to whom remained open and who closed. In Frankford, there was an extra bonus, both Mater Dolorosa and St. Joachim closed – neither had debt, St. Joachim had an Oblate Pastor and, now, there is no Catholic Church in Frankford. cropped-Closed-gates-and-Mary-small1-e1395077846729.jpgWhile both St. Joachim and Mater Dolorosa are Worship Sites, we’ve never had weekly Masses. We get an annual Feast Day Mass and, if we’re lucky someone gets married or bless their souls, has a funeral and we can go to Mass. We have renamed St. Joachim, the Church of the Locked Gates. (We have had a weekly prayer service at 8 AM every Sunday morning since we closed July 1, 2013. We used to do 4:30 PM on Saturday and 10:30 AM on Sunday, too, but we’re good Catholics and we do have to go to Mass.)

Rally at 222But we are still there working to reopen a Church and standing with our brothers and sisters throughout this Archdiocese who have undergone the same “process” and experienced the same feelings of injustice. We have been blessed with many neighborhood churches. There is no question some of our churches had to close but there are many questions about some of the churches that did close. Reaching out to Archbishop Chaput continually begets the answer, different words, but the same sentiment,  “The decision has been made and it will not be changed.” Well, that conversation went well! St. Joachim did file an appeal and we are awaiting our day with the Apostolic Signatura (the Vatican Supreme Court).

This is not about a building, or even our particular church, it’s about our faith, how we live it and whom we serve.  For 17 months, we have been working to be the Catholic presence in Frankford. We were so graciously invited by the Dean of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church to come there and hold our meetings and try to keep our parish family together and serve the community. There is a food cupboard there run by Court St. Frances de Sales #2617 of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas, we participate in the Northeast Dining with Dignity program preparing meals and bag lunches every 6-8 weeks and offering community events that are open to all. We have taken the “Joy of the Gospel” to heart.

As I close, because I could go on and on, I’m thinking that if Archbishop Chaput doesn’t want to listen, maybe the Pope will! There are many who feel that the Archbishop of Philadelphia has turned his back on them. This is not something to celebrate!

Archbishop Chaput, before you host the worlds’  families, how about meeting with your Archdiocesan families?


Every Philly Catholic is Called to Witness!

Please email this link to everyone you know who cares about the 40+ churches that have closed or merged in the last 13 months! Spread the Word! Spread the Good News! Churches are important, not just to us as Catholics, but our neighborhood communities as well! Join us! We’ll be waiting for you!

Flash Your Faith

Appeal Process Archbishop Chaput Archdiocese of Philadelphia Area Parish Pastoral Planning Process Closed Churches Philly Catholics PPA Vatican

We Are One Body; We Are One Church

Sunday, June 15, 2014, David Harris and I just wanted to reach out to others whose parishes suffered St. Joachim’s fate last year. The Holy Spirit literally directed us to Notre Dame De Lourdes in Swarthmore. We were blessed meeting the parishioners who were trying to understand this decision and also grateful to know that other people care about what’s happening to them. Do You Care?

Read the full story here – “Notre Dame ready to carry the cross for parish”.


Same results from This Round of the Parish Area Pastoral Planning Process – Confusion and Misunderstanding!

Today, there are new  announcements regarding the future of our Archdiocesan parishes and the pastoral care of our fellow Catholics in the city and suburbs! In the following article,  “Archdiocese Releases Full List of Church Closures”, we  can identify with the mystification felt by clergy and parishioners alike. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to why one particular parish is closed while others remain open.

A recent article I read, “Archdiocese Without A Clear Strategy For Closing Churches”, bears out what many of us believe – closing or merging churches is a stopgap effort to stop the monetary leak in the dyke the Archdiocese is suffering from without regard to the pastoral care of those most in need – the poor and the elderly.

There is something you can do about this. Leave a comment, talk to your fellow parishioners and decide to join us in asking Archbishop Chaput to redo the Area Parish Pastoral Planning Process to include the full participation of the laity in each parish. God bless you!



Philly Catholics

Thanks to All Who Attended Our First Organizing Meeting!

Philly Catholics imageThis afternoon, Saturday, April 5th, we held the first organizing meeting of Philly Catholics! Those who attended shared their faith and their deep belief in being called to authentic witness in the city for our Archdiocese.

As we met and shared introductions and why we were here, it became clear that while we mourned the loss of our Church, God had a much bigger plan for us. We believe that we are standing up not only for ourselves but even more importantly for those who can’t stand for themsevles. We have many elderly parishioners whose only outing might have been to weekly Mass. Now, because of distance or an inability to travel, they cannot go to Mass. We have many parishioners who simply don’t go to Mass anymore because of the pain of losing “family”. We have people who come to us looking for a Church and sadly, we tell them it was closed.

We believe that it is not only our right but our responsibility to work to reverse the Parish Area Pastoral Planning Initiative because the process was flawed and lacked true, total involvement of the laity. To this day, no one will meet with us to hear our story of a flawed and unfair process. Not even to just listen!

While we miss our Church, it is not about the building. It is not about being unwilling to move on! It is about standing our ground to say that these are our parishes and our Churches and we should have a say in the matter! It is feeling and knowing that our ancestors struggled to build, pay for and maintain these Churches and we want to honor that legacy of faith! Not to mention the wonderful religious sisters and priests who never thought of themselves as they worked reflecting the love of God to each parishioner!

To those who believe that recent decisions of Archbishop Chaput and the hierarchy do not reflect an openness and involvement of the Philadelphia laity to reach mutually agreed upon resolutions to our problems, we say, “Be strong, do not fear. Here is your God, He comes with vindication; With divine recompense He comes to save you. Then the eyes of the blind shall see and the ears of the deaf be opened.” (Isaiah 35:5) Join us to bring that day ever closer!

Our next meeting is Saturday, May 3rd, 2 PM at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 4442 Frankford Avenue, 19124. See you there and bring a friend! All are most welcome!

photo credit: PMillera4 via photopin cc

Philly Catholics

Use Your Voice Saturday, April 5th! Make A Difference In the Church We Love!

We are one Church and one body of Christ! We care about our faith and we try to live it each and every day! This is Lent and we know so well the sacrifices that Jesus made for us – using His voice to tell us there was a different way of living and loving.

We are believers and we know that are many different ways to solve the challenges we are facing in the Church. But our voices are not heard. The hierarchy is not listening. We want real discourse and the respect that is worthy of those who are the support of  the Church.

If you believe this, too, you will join us this Saturday, April 5th, 2 PM, at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church (yes, that’s where we meet since both Churches were closed in Frankford), 4442 Frankford Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19124. For more information, please email [email protected] or call Pat at 215.520.5616

We need your voice!

Use this map to find your directions. For those traveling by SEPTA, use the 3 or 5 bus that passes right in front of the Church. St. Mark’s is between the Margaret-Orthodox and Church St. stops of the Market Frankford El or Blue Line.

photo credit: via photopin cc

Redo the Parish Area Pastoral Planning Initiative

We Are Hard “Pressed” to Understand Why Archbishop Chaput Does Not Hear Us!

One week ago, we rallied in front of the Archdiocese to ask Archbishop Chaput to hear us – his families seeking to understand the closure of our churches without a full explanation from those who decided this was best for the “salvation of souls” and would enable the Archdiocese to provide even better “pastoral care” to the faithful of Philadelphia. Before we are able to host the World Meeting of Families in 2015, we need to get our own house in order.

You have heard us and the press has heard us. We believe. We continue to work to get answers to our questions regarding the Parish Area Pastoral Planning Initiative and the resulting abandonment of the lifeblood of the Church here in Philadelphia.

Al Dia pubished another article on our story this week. You can read it here. If you need to translate it to English, copy the url, visit Google Translate and simple paste in the url and hit “translate”.

We thank Channel 6 news, The Metro, Al Dia and you for caring about this most important issue.

Our thanks to Gilberto Gonzalez who shared this on Facebook.

Archbishop Chaput, please hear us!